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I want to analyse data

Tools, software and services to manage and analyse ESS data

Data analysis is a complex process involving the extraction of information from new or already existing data, identifying patterns, drawing conclusions and finally producing scientific knowledge. The methods and tools for data analysis are very diverse and vary among disciplines.

In the NFDI4Earth, we have gathered information and various resources that can support your data analysis within Earth System Sciences. And this collection is constantly growing!

If you would like to browse through what is already available, you can directly access our list of tools and software.

You can also have a look at the articles and courses we recommend on this topic:

HPC and Cloud Computing - What is it and when should we use it?
Media 1: HPC and Cloud Computing
Introduction to handling raster time series in Julia, Python and R
Media 2: Introduction to handling raster time series in Julia, Python and R
Tool collection OSS4GEO
Media 3: Tool collection OSS4GEO
Course: Python for Spatial Data Analysis
Media 4: Python for Spatial Data Analysis