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Sustainable research software for high-quality computational research in the Earth System Sciences: Recommendations for universities, funders and the scientific community in Germany

Döll, Petra; Sester, Monika; Feuerhake, Udo; Frahm, Holger; Fritzsch, Bernadette; Hezel, Dominik C.; Kaus, Boris; Kolditz, Olaf; Linxweiler, Jan; Müller Schmied, Hannes; Nyenah, Emmanuel; Risse, Bernjamin; Schielein, Ulrich; Schlauch, Tobias; Streck, Thilo; van den Oord, Gijs, 2023: Sustainable research software for high-quality computational research in the Earth System Sciences: Recommendations for universities, funders and the scientific community in Germany. FIG GEO-LEO e-docs,

New knowledge in the Earth System Sciences is increasingly produced by computational research. This includes the simulation of earth system processes (e.g., climate models), the design, processing and analysis of earth observation and experiments, and integrative analysis (e.g. of large amounts of data by machine learning). Efficient and reproducible high-quality computational research requires sustainable research software. Therefore, its development should be supported by universities, funders and the scientific community. Fifteen recommendations for how such support should be designed were developed in a round-table discussion with researchers, research software engineers, the Chief Information officers of two universities, and a representative of the German Research Foundation (DFG) in June 2023. Complemented by best practice examples, the recommendations were published in this white paper.

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