metamodel version: 1.7.0
version: None
The ontology and metadata schema for the NFDI4Earth Knowledge Hub. See serializations of this schema as an OWL ontology here:
- API - An endpoint which provides an application programming interface to some metadata or data.
- Distribution - A specific representation of a dataset. NOTE: More properties will be added when needed.
- GenericIRI - This class exists to allow properties to have an IRI where the class is not known as a range, since LinkML-to-RDF/OWL serializations only treat those properties as an owl:ObjectProperty which have a LinkML class as a range. Otherwise, when using "uriorcurie" as range, LinkML treats the properties like owl:DatatypeProperties where the value is a literal with datatatype xsd:anyURI.
- Geometry - A geometry to describe the geographical dimension of something.
- Kind - The contact point of a resource.
- Location - A spatial region or named place. It can be represented using a controlled vocabulary or with geographic coordinates.
- Membership - Indicates the nature of an Agent's membership of an organization.
- Organization - A research organization, in the sense of a formal institution. Not the same as a community or initiative.
- PeriodOfTime - A time period
- Resource - A resource in the context of data catalogs.
- DataService - A collection of operations that provides access to one or more datasets or data processing functions.
- Dataset - A dataset ...
- Catalog - A catalog ...
- Aggregator - A catalog which indexes data that is stored in external repositories. It harvests the metadata and possibly provides it in an aggregated or processed way.
- Registry - A registry is a meta-repository where resources (e.g., repositories, organizations) are registered and possibly receive a persistent identifier. It provides metadata about the resources but does not store any primary research data itself.
- Repository - A public (virtual) platform that hosts data or structured content of metadata and data or only metadata in the field of Earth System Sciences. It may allow to submit user-data. It may be curated.
- Catalog - A catalog ...
- MetadataStandard - A standard for interoperable exchange of metadata.
- Thing - A generic super class from the vocabulary.
- CreativeWork - The most generic kind of creative work.
- Article - An article, such as a news article or piece of investigative report.
- LHBArticle - An article in the NFDI4Earth's Living Handbook.
- Publication - Any publication harvested into the KH.
- LearningResource - The LearningResource type can be used to indicate CreativeWorks (whether physical or digital) that have a particular and explicit orientation towards learning, education, skill acquisition, and other educational purposes.
- SoftwareSourceCode - Computer programming source code. Example: Full (compile ready solutions, code snippet samples, scripts, templates.
- Article - An article, such as a news article or piece of investigative report.
- Person - A person.
- ResearchProject - A research project.
- Service - A manifestation of a technical-organisational solution, which typically includes storage and computing services, software, processes, and workflows, as well as the necessary personnel support for different service desks.
- CreativeWork - The most generic kind of creative work.
- AllowsIRIOrBnode - Classes with this mixin are allowed in the KH to exist as full entities with an IRI (= the KH ID) but also as dependent object with blank nodes (= no KH ID). This functional mixin is used as a flag in order to generate the Python code (gen-python) in a customized way, because per default LinkML currently does not allow blank nodes for classes with an identifier.
- KHMetaDataObject - A mixin for all metadata objects in the KH.
- about - The subject matter of the content. A controlled vocabulary should be used.
- LHBArticle➞about - The research data management concept that is treated by this resource.
- LearningResource➞about - The research data lifecycle stage that is treated by this resource.
- accessURL - The URL under which something can be accessed.
- additionalType - A more specific type of this thing. NOTE: Currently the range is string, this might change to GenericIRI, or perhaps skos:Concept of specific skos vocabularies in the future.
- LHBArticle➞additionalType - The subtype of the article. Currently allowed values are Best practice, Workflow, collection, FAQ, User guide, Technical Note TODO: Check current status with LHB group TODO: turn this formally into a controlloed vocabulary with LinkML
- affiliation - The KH identifier of the organization a person is affiliated to.
- altLabel - An alternative name for the object. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- articleBody - The actual body of the article. This property can be repeated for translated versions.
- asWKT - WKT serialization of a geometry
- assignsIdentifierScheme - The identifier scheme which a catalog assigns to its records. TODO: specify controlled vocabulary
- audience - The intended audience, i.e. the group for whom some creative work was created.
- author - The author of this content.
- boundingBox - The geographic bounding box of a resource.
- catalogAccessRestriction - The type of access restriction to the interface of a catalog.
- catalogAccessType - The type of access to the interface of a catalog.
- catalogLicense - The URL to the license of a catalog.
- citation - A reference to an article or any other CreativeWork
- codeRepository - Link to the repository where the un-compiled, human readable code and related code is located (SVN, GitHub, CodePlex).
- competencyRequired - Knowledge, skill, ability or personal attribute that must be demonstrated by a person or other entity in order to understand this LearningResource.
- conformsTo - The standard or protocol a resource or distribution conforms to. TODO: consider changing the range to GenericIRI in order to uniquely identify the standard by an URI instead of a string, if possible. (Domain: Distribution or DataService)
- contactPoint - The contact point for this resource.
- contentType - The content type of the datasets in the catalog. NOTE: re3data is in the process of replacing the range of the matching contentType property with values from the COAR vocabulary (see: ). As soon as this change is completed, this will be adapted here as well. Until then the range remains "string", with values as in re3data's schema V2.2
- contributor - A secondary contributor to the CreativeWork or Event. NOTE: The range can be a Person or an Organization. Due to an issue with the modelling library, the range is currently formally limited to one class. This will change when the following issue is resolved:
- copyrightNotice - Text of a notice appropriate for describing the copyright aspects of this Creative Work, ideally indicating the owner of the copyright for the Work.
- countryName - The name of the country where the organization is based.
- coursePrerequisites - References another course which is a prerequirement before taking this course
- creator - The creator of this content. Domain: Resource or CreativeWork
- dataAccessRestriction - The type of access restriction to the data in the catalog.
- dataAccessType - The type of access to the data in the catalog.
- dataLicense - The URL to the license of the data in the catalog.
- dataUploadRestriction - The type of data upload restriction to the catalog.
- dataUploadType - The type of upload of data to the catalog.
- dataset - A dataset that is listed in the catalog.
- dateModified - The date when a creative work was last modified (in its source system)
- datePublished - The date when a creative work was first published.
- description - A human-readable description of the object. This property can be repeated for translated versions. (Domain: any subclass of Thing or Resource)
- distribution - The distribution of a dataset.
- educationalLevel - The level in terms of progression through an educational or training context.
- email - The email address.
- endDate - End date of a period of time
- endpointDescription - A description of the services available via the end-points, including their operations, parameters etc.
- endpointURL - The root location or primary endpoint of the service (a Web-resolvable IRI).
- fn - Full name of a Kind
- funder - An organization that supports (sponsors) something through some kind of financial contribution.
- geometry - The geographical area of a resource.
- hasAPI - An endpoint which provides an application programming interface to the metadata or data which are stored in this catalog.
- hasCertificate - A certification of the repository NOTE: This is currently being handled as a string since the source metadata for this property are still according to re3data schema 2.2. This will change in the future into a more complex property with a certificateURL
- hasChildStandard - The child standard which is based on this standard.
- hasContainerFile - A link to a container file (e.g., Dockerfile) which contains all system configurations which are required to run this software and whic can be used to build a runnable image of this software.
- hasContributedTo - An existing creative work (usually software source code) that was contributed to within a project Range includes any subclasses of CreativeWork, Datasets, ...
- hasDocument - The URL to the standard specification document.
- hasEmail - The email address of somebody. Should preferrably start with "mailto:", but not a requirement. Note: The vcard ontology defines this actually as an object property, so values should be IRIs starting with "mailto:". However, the LinkML RDF serializer currently cannot handle this, so define it (for the moment as a string here.
- hasGeometry - The point geometry (latitude + longitude) describing the position where the organization is based. TODO: include speficiation for geometry and which attributes.
- hasLocality - The URL identifier for the locality. Must use geonames as controlled vocabulary here.
- hasLogo - The URL to a digital image of the logo of the organization.
- hasMembership - Indicates a membership relationship that the Agent plays.
- hasNFDI4EarthContactPerson - The IRI to the person which acts as NFDI4Earth contact person for an organization.
- hasNotebook - A link to an executable notebook (e.g., a Jupyter Notebook) which demonstrates the usage of this software or which accompanies this learning resource. Domain: On any SoftwareSourceCode or LearningResource
- hasOutcome - The outcomes (publications, software, etc.) that were produced during this research project. Range includes any subclasses of CreativeWork, Datasets, ...
- hasParentStandard - The parent standard this standard is based on.
- hasPart - Indicates an item or CreativeWork that is part of this item, or CreativeWork (in some sense).
- LHBArticle➞hasPart - Another LHBArticle which belongs to this collection article.
- hasRorId - The ID of the entry for this organization in the Research Organization Registry (ROR). (TODO: decide whether this should remain a string (only the ID) or the full URI)
- hasURL - To specify a uniform resource locator associated with the object.
- hasWebsite - The URL to the website of the metadata standard.
- hasXSD - The URL to an XSD schema document of the standard.
- homepage - The homepage of some thing.
- id
- identifier - Any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing.
- inCatalog - Reference to the catalog in which this Dataset or DataService is listed. Inverse of dcat:dataset
- inLanguage - The language of the content. TODO: try out LinkML functionality like Enum to specifiy range to allowing terms only from*
- isPartOf - Another item which this creative work is part of.
- LHBArticle➞isPartOf - The collection article this LHB article is part of.
- issued - Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource.
- keyword - Keywords or tags used to describe this resource.
- keywords - Keywords or tags used to describe this work.
- landingPage - The landing page in the web of a resource.
- language - The language of the content of this resource.
- learningResourceType - The predominant type or kind characterizing the learning resource.
- license - The URL of the license applied to this resource. This is currently limited to license URIs according to
- locality - The name of the locality where the organization is based (eg. the city).
- maxUploadSizeMb - The maximum allowed size of a single resource that can get uploaded to a repository.
- member - The member organization of the project. Can be inferred from the org:hasMembership property. This probably might become deprecated within the KH schema, so preferrably use org:hasMembership.
- modified - The date when a resource was last modified (in its source system)
- name - The name of the object. This property can be repeated for translated versions. Domain: On any Thing or Organization
- orcidId - The ORCID of the person.
- organization - Indicates the organization in which the Agent is a member. NOTE: Range should be ResearchProject or Organization, see:
- originalDataSource - Name of the original repository/ catalog where a Dataset or DataService is hosted in
- politicalGeocodingURI - For German organizations only: The identifier of the federal state where the organization is based. Must use the controlled vocabulary
- programmingLanguage - The computer programming language.
- publisher - The publisher of the resource.
- repositoryType - The type of the repository.
- role - Indicates the Role that the Agent plays in a Membership relationship with an Organization.
- sameAs - This property can be used to link the metadata object to other URI-resources which describe the same thing. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- service - A site or end-point that is listed in the catalog.
- serviceHost - The organization hosting the service
- serviceType - The type of service.
- sourceSystem - A provisional (!) attribute for temporary backwards compatibility. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- sourceSystemID - A provisional (!) attribute for temporary backwards compatibility. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- sourceSystemURL - It links to the website where the information of this resource was harvested from. Preferably links to a human-readable landing page, if not available to a machine-readable API endpoint. This property is not always available. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- spatialCoverage - A geographic region that is covered by the Dataset, Catalog or DataService.
- startDate - Start date of a period of time
- subOrganizationOf - The parent organization if exists.
- subjectArea - The property is a relationship between a resource and its academic discipline, subject area or domain. Domains: Resource or Thing Note: Currently we use the DFGFO vocabulary for acadamic disciplines. Where this is too coarse, it is allowed to use the broader DFGFO subject and additionally an academic subject from the UNESCO Thesaurus. TODO: make sure that this rule is enforced upon data upload in the KH
- ResearchProject➞subjectArea - The research area where this project can be located in.
- supportsMetadataStandard - The metadata standard supported by the catalog.
- supportsVersioning - Whether the catalog supports versioning of the datasets it contains.
- targetProduct - A link to the running web application/ web service which is built with this software.
- teaches - Describes a competency which is teached by this learning resource
- temporal - Temporal coverage of a resource
- theme - The subject matter of the content. A controlled vocabulary should be used.
- title - The title. This property can be repeated for translated versions.
- url - The URL where this item can be found.
- ResearchProject➞url - The homepage of the research project.
- variableMeasured - The variable that is measured in a dataset
- version - The version of the resource
- APIProtocols
- AcademicSubjectEnum
- ConsortiumRole
- EducationalLevel
- LearningResourceType
- RDLStage
- RDMConcept
- RDMRole
- ServiceTypeEnum
Built in
- Bool
- Curie
- Decimal
- ElementIdentifier
- NCName
- NodeIdentifier
- XSDDate
- XSDDateTime
- XSDTime
- float
- int
- str
- Boolean (Bool) - A binary (true or false) value
- Curie (Curie) - a compact URI
- Date (XSDDate) - a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar
- DateOrDatetime (str) - Either a date or a datetime
- Datetime (XSDDateTime) - The combination of a date and time
- Decimal (Decimal) - A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal specification
- Double (float) - A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification
- Float (float) - A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification
- Integer (int) - An integer
- Jsonpath (str) - A string encoding a JSON Path. The value of the string MUST conform to JSON Point syntax and SHOULD dereference to zero or more valid objects within the current instance document when encoded in tree form.
- Jsonpointer (str) - A string encoding a JSON Pointer. The value of the string MUST conform to JSON Point syntax and SHOULD dereference to a valid object within the current instance document when encoded in tree form.
- Ncname (NCName) - Prefix part of CURIE
- Nodeidentifier (NodeIdentifier) - A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model.
- Objectidentifier (ElementIdentifier) - A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model.
- Sparqlpath (str) - A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path. The value of the string MUST conform to SPARQL syntax and SHOULD dereference to zero or more valid objects within the current instance document when encoded as RDF.
- String (str) - A character string
- Time (XSDTime) - A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular day
- Uri (URI) - a complete URI
- Uriorcurie (URIorCURIE) - a URI or a CURIE
- WktLiteral (str)