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Class: Person

A person.

URI: schema:Person



  • is_a: Thing - A generic super class from the vocabulary.

Uses Mixin

  • mixin: AllowsIRIOrBnode - Classes with this mixin are allowed in the KH to exist as full entities with an IRI (= the KH ID) but also as dependent object with blank nodes (= no KH ID). This functional mixin is used as a flag in order to generate the Python code (gen-python) in a customized way, because per default LinkML currently does not allow blank nodes for classes with an identifier.
  • mixin: KHMetaDataObject - A mixin for all metadata objects in the KH.

Referenced by Class



  • affiliation 0..*
    • Description: The KH identifier of the organization a person is affiliated to.
    • Range: Organization
  • email 0..*
    • Description: The email address.
    • Range: String
  • orcidId 0..1
    • Description: The ORCID of the person.
    • Range: String

Inherited from Thing:

  • additionalType 0..*
    • Description: A more specific type of this thing. NOTE: Currently the range is string, this might change to GenericIRI, or perhaps skos:Concept of specific skos vocabularies in the future.
    • Range: String
  • description 0..*
    • Description: A human-readable description of the object. This property can be repeated for translated versions. (Domain: any subclass of Thing or Resource)
    • Range: String
  • Thing➞name 1..*
    • Description: The name of the object. This property can be repeated for translated versions. Domain: On any Thing or Organization
    • Range: String
  • url 0..*
    • Description: The URL where this item can be found.
    • Range: Uriorcurie

Mixed in from KHMetaDataObject:

Mixed in from KHMetaDataObject:

  • altLabel 0..*
    • Description: An alternative name for the object. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
    • Range: String

Mixed in from KHMetaDataObject:

  • sameAs 0..*
    • Description: This property can be used to link the metadata object to other URI-resources which describe the same thing. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
    • Range: GenericIRI

Mixed in from KHMetaDataObject:

  • sourceSystem 0..1
    • Description: A provisional (!) attribute for temporary backwards compatibility. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
    • Range: GenericIRI

Mixed in from KHMetaDataObject:

  • sourceSystemID 0..1
    • Description: A provisional (!) attribute for temporary backwards compatibility. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
    • Range: String

Mixed in from KHMetaDataObject:

  • sourceSystemURL 0..1
    • Description: It links to the website where the information of this resource was harvested from. Preferably links to a human-readable landing page, if not available to a machine-readable API endpoint. This property is not always available. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
    • Range: Uriorcurie

Other properties

Mappings: schema:Person