Class: Catalog
A catalog ...
URI: dcat:Catalog
- is_a: Dataset - A dataset ...
Uses Mixin
- mixin: KHMetaDataObject - A mixin for all metadata objects in the KH.
- Aggregator - A catalog which indexes data that is stored in external repositories. It harvests the metadata and possibly provides it in an aggregated or processed way.
- Registry - A registry is a meta-repository where resources (e.g., repositories, organizations) are registered and possibly receive a persistent identifier. It provides metadata about the resources but does not store any primary research data itself.
- Repository - A public (virtual) platform that hosts data or structured content of metadata and data or only metadata in the field of Earth System Sciences. It may allow to submit user-data. It may be curated.
Referenced by Class
- dataset 0..*
- Description: A dataset that is listed in the catalog.
- Range: Dataset
- contentType 0..*
- Description: The content type of the datasets in the catalog. NOTE: re3data is in the process of replacing the range of the matching contentType property with values from the COAR vocabulary (see: ). As soon as this change is completed, this will be adapted here as well. Until then the range remains "string", with values as in re3data's schema V2.2
- Range: String
- hasAPI 0..*
- Description: An endpoint which provides an application programming interface to the metadata or data which are stored in this catalog.
- Range: API
- homepage 0..*
- Description: The homepage of some thing.
- Range: GenericIRI
- assignsIdentifierScheme 0..*
- Description: The identifier scheme which a catalog assigns to its records. TODO: specify controlled vocabulary
- Range: GenericIRI
- catalogAccessType 0..*
- Description: The type of access to the interface of a catalog.
- Range: String
- catalogAccessRestriction 0..*
- Description: The type of access restriction to the interface of a catalog.
- Range: String
- catalogLicense 0..*
- Description: The URL to the license of a catalog.
- Range: GenericIRI
- dataAccessType 0..*
- Description: The type of access to the data in the catalog.
- Range: String
- dataAccessRestriction 0..*
- Description: The type of access restriction to the data in the catalog.
- Range: String
- dataLicense 0..*
- Description: The URL to the license of the data in the catalog.
- Range: GenericIRI
- repositoryType 0..*
- Description: The type of the repository. Note: Currently no controlled voabulary is enforced, but the same values as in the re3data property r3d:type should be used.
- Range: String
- service 0..*
- Description: A site or end-point that is listed in the catalog.
- Range: DataService
- supportsMetadataStandard 0..*
- Description: The metadata standard supported by the catalog.
- Range: MetadataStandard
- supportsVersioning 0..1
- Description: Whether the catalog supports versioning of the datasets it contains.
- Range: Boolean
Inherited from Dataset:
- conformsTo 0..1
- Description: The standard or protocol a resource or distribution conforms to. TODO: consider changing the range to GenericIRI in order to uniquely identify the standard by an URI instead of a string, if possible. (Domain: Distribution or DataService)
- Range: String
- contactPoint 0..*
- Description: The contact point for this resource.
- Range: Kind
- description 0..*
- Description: A human-readable description of the object. This property can be repeated for translated versions. (Domain: any subclass of Thing or Resource)
- Range: String
- additionalType 0..*
- Description: A more specific type of this thing. NOTE: Currently the range is string, this might change to GenericIRI, or perhaps skos:Concept of specific skos vocabularies in the future.
- Range: String
- inCatalog 0..*
- Description: Reference to the catalog in which this Dataset or DataService is listed. Inverse of dcat:dataset
- Range: Catalog
- issued 0..1
- Description: Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource.
- Range: Date
- keyword 0..*
- Description: Keywords or tags used to describe this resource.
- Range: String
- landingPage 0..1
- Description: The landing page in the web of a resource.
- Range: Uriorcurie
- language 0..*
- Description: The language of the content of this resource.
- Range: GenericIRI
- modified 0..1
- Description: The date when a resource was last modified (in its source system)
- Range: Date
- originalDataSource 0..1
- Description: Name of the original repository/ catalog where a Dataset or DataService is hosted in
- Range: String
- Resource➞title 1..*
- Description: The title. This property can be repeated for translated versions.
- Range: String
- theme 0..*
- Description: The subject matter of the content. A controlled vocabulary should be used.
- Range: GenericIRI
- subjectArea 0..*
- Description: The property is a relationship between a resource and its academic discipline, subject area or domain. Domains: Resource or Thing Note: Currently we use the DFGFO vocabulary for acadamic disciplines. Where this is too coarse, it is allowed to use the broader DFGFO subject and additionally an academic subject from the UNESCO Thesaurus. TODO: make sure that this rule is enforced upon data upload in the KH
- Range: GenericIRI
- creator 0..*
- Description: The creator of this content. Domain: Resource or CreativeWork
- Range: Person
- version 0..1
- Description: The version of the resource
- Range: String
- distribution 0..*
- Description: The distribution of a dataset.
- Range: Distribution
- spatialCoverage 0..1
- Description: A geographic region that is covered by the Dataset, Catalog or DataService.
- Range: Location
- temporal 0..*
- Description: Temporal coverage of a resource
- Range: PeriodOfTime
- variableMeasured 0..*
- Description: The variable that is measured in a dataset
- Range: String
- Dataset➞publisher 0..*
- Description: The publisher of the resource.
- Range: Organization
Mixed in from KHMetaDataObject:
Mixed in from KHMetaDataObject:
- altLabel 0..*
- Description: An alternative name for the object. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- Range: String
Mixed in from KHMetaDataObject:
- sameAs 0..*
- Description: This property can be used to link the metadata object to other URI-resources which describe the same thing. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- Range: GenericIRI
Mixed in from KHMetaDataObject:
- sourceSystem 0..1
- Description: A provisional (!) attribute for temporary backwards compatibility. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- Range: GenericIRI
Mixed in from KHMetaDataObject:
- sourceSystemID 0..1
- Description: A provisional (!) attribute for temporary backwards compatibility. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- Range: String
Mixed in from KHMetaDataObject:
- sourceSystemURL 0..1
- Description: It links to the website where the information of this resource was harvested from. Preferably links to a human-readable landing page, if not available to a machine-readable API endpoint. This property is not always available. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- Range: Uriorcurie
Other properties
Mappings: | dcat:Catalog | |
Close Mappings: | r3d:repository |