Class: KHMetaDataObject
A mixin for all metadata objects in the KH.
URI: n4e:KHMetaDataObject
Mixin for
- Aggregator (mixin) - A catalog which indexes data that is stored in external repositories. It harvests the metadata and possibly provides it in an aggregated or processed way.
- Article (mixin) - An article, such as a news article or piece of investigative report.
- Catalog (mixin) - A catalog ...
- CreativeWork (mixin) - The most generic kind of creative work.
- DataService (mixin) - A collection of operations that provides access to one or more datasets or data processing functions.
- Dataset (mixin) - A dataset ...
- LHBArticle (mixin) - An article in the NFDI4Earth's Living Handbook.
- LearningResource (mixin) - The LearningResource type can be used to indicate CreativeWorks (whether physical or digital) that have a particular and explicit orientation towards learning, education, skill acquisition, and other educational purposes.
- MetadataStandard (mixin) - A standard for interoperable exchange of metadata.
- Organization (mixin) - A research organization, in the sense of a formal institution. Not the same as a community or initiative.
- Person (mixin) - A person.
- Publication (mixin) - Any publication harvested into the KH.
- Registry (mixin) - A registry is a meta-repository where resources (e.g., repositories, organizations) are registered and possibly receive a persistent identifier. It provides metadata about the resources but does not store any primary research data itself.
- Repository (mixin) - A public (virtual) platform that hosts data or structured content of metadata and data or only metadata in the field of Earth System Sciences. It may allow to submit user-data. It may be curated.
- ResearchProject (mixin) - A research project.
- Service (mixin) - A manifestation of a technical-organisational solution, which typically includes storage and computing services, software, processes, and workflows, as well as the necessary personnel support for different service desks.
- SoftwareSourceCode (mixin) - Computer programming source code. Example: Full (compile ready solutions, code snippet samples, scripts, templates.
Referenced by Class
- id 1..1
- Range: String
- altLabel 0..*
- Description: An alternative name for the object. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- Range: String
- sameAs 0..*
- Description: This property can be used to link the metadata object to other URI-resources which describe the same thing. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- Range: GenericIRI
- sourceSystem 0..1
- Description: A provisional (!) attribute for temporary backwards compatibility. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- Range: GenericIRI
- sourceSystemID 0..1
- Description: A provisional (!) attribute for temporary backwards compatibility. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- Range: String
- sourceSystemURL 0..1
- Description: It links to the website where the information of this resource was harvested from. Preferably links to a human-readable landing page, if not available to a machine-readable API endpoint. This property is not always available. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- Range: Uriorcurie