Class: SoftwareSourceCode
Computer programming source code. Example: Full (compile ready solutions, code snippet samples, scripts, templates.
URI: schema:SoftwareSourceCode
- is_a: CreativeWork - The most generic kind of creative work.
Uses Mixin
- mixin: KHMetaDataObject - A mixin for all metadata objects in the KH.
Referenced by Class
- codeRepository 0..1
- Description: Link to the repository where the un-compiled, human readable code and related code is located (SVN, GitHub, CodePlex).
- Range: Uriorcurie
- hasNotebook 0..*
- Description: A link to an executable notebook (e.g., a Jupyter Notebook) which demonstrates the usage of this software or which accompanies this learning resource. Domain: On any SoftwareSourceCode or LearningResource
- Range: Uriorcurie
- hasContainerFile 0..*
- Description: A link to a container file (e.g., Dockerfile) which contains all system configurations which are required to run this software and whic can be used to build a runnable image of this software.
- Range: Uriorcurie
- programmingLanguage 0..*
- Description: The computer programming language.
- Range: String
- targetProduct 0..*
- Description: A link to the running web application/ web service which is built with this software.
- Range: GenericIRI
Inherited from CreativeWork:
- additionalType 0..*
- Description: A more specific type of this thing. NOTE: Currently the range is string, this might change to GenericIRI, or perhaps skos:Concept of specific skos vocabularies in the future.
- Range: String
- description 0..*
- Description: A human-readable description of the object. This property can be repeated for translated versions. (Domain: any subclass of Thing or Resource)
- Range: String
- Thing➞name 1..*
- Description: The name of the object. This property can be repeated for translated versions. Domain: On any Thing or Organization
- Range: String
- url 0..*
- Description: The URL where this item can be found.
- Range: Uriorcurie
- audience 0..*
- Description: The intended audience, i.e. the group for whom some creative work was created.
- Range: RDMRole
- author 0..*
- Description: The author of this content.
- Range: Person
- citation 0..*
- Description: A reference to an article or any other CreativeWork
- Range: CreativeWork
- contactPoint 0..*
- Description: The contact point for this resource.
- Range: Kind
- contributor 0..*
- Description: A secondary contributor to the CreativeWork or Event. NOTE: The range can be a Person or an Organization. Due to an issue with the modelling library, the range is currently formally limited to one class. This will change when the following issue is resolved:
- Range: Person
- copyrightNotice 0..1
- Description: Text of a notice appropriate for describing the copyright aspects of this Creative Work, ideally indicating the owner of the copyright for the Work.
- Range: String
- dateModified 0..1
- Description: The date when a creative work was last modified (in its source system)
- Range: Date
- datePublished 0..1
- Description: The date when a creative work was first published.
- Range: String
- funder 0..*
- Description: An organization that supports (sponsors) something through some kind of financial contribution.
- Range: ResearchProject
- hasPart 0..*
- Description: Indicates an item or CreativeWork that is part of this item, or CreativeWork (in some sense).
- Range: CreativeWork
- identifier 0..*
- Description: Any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing.
- Range: String
- inLanguage 0..*
- Description: The language of the content. TODO: try out LinkML functionality like Enum to specifiy range to allowing terms only from*
- Range: GenericIRI
- isPartOf 0..*
- Description: Another item which this creative work is part of.
- Range: CreativeWork
- keywords 0..*
- Description: Keywords or tags used to describe this work.
- Range: String
- license 0..*
- Description: The URL of the license applied to this resource. This is currently limited to license URIs according to Example: TODO: Check how to enforce the SPDX entries
- Range: GenericIRI
- publisher 0..*
- Description: The publisher of the resource.
- Range: Organization
- spatialCoverage 0..1
- Description: A geographic region that is covered by the Dataset, Catalog or DataService.
- Range: Location
- subjectArea 0..*
- Description: The property is a relationship between a resource and its academic discipline, subject area or domain. Domains: Resource or Thing Note: Currently we use the DFGFO vocabulary for acadamic disciplines. Where this is too coarse, it is allowed to use the broader DFGFO subject and additionally an academic subject from the UNESCO Thesaurus. TODO: make sure that this rule is enforced upon data upload in the KH
- Range: GenericIRI
- temporal 0..*
- Description: Temporal coverage of a resource
- Range: PeriodOfTime
- version 0..1
- Description: The version of the resource
- Range: String
Mixed in from KHMetaDataObject:
Mixed in from KHMetaDataObject:
- altLabel 0..*
- Description: An alternative name for the object. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- Range: String
Mixed in from KHMetaDataObject:
- sameAs 0..*
- Description: This property can be used to link the metadata object to other URI-resources which describe the same thing. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- Range: GenericIRI
Mixed in from KHMetaDataObject:
- sourceSystem 0..1
- Description: A provisional (!) attribute for temporary backwards compatibility. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- Range: GenericIRI
Mixed in from KHMetaDataObject:
- sourceSystemID 0..1
- Description: A provisional (!) attribute for temporary backwards compatibility. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- Range: String
Mixed in from KHMetaDataObject:
- sourceSystemURL 0..1
- Description: It links to the website where the information of this resource was harvested from. Preferably links to a human-readable landing page, if not available to a machine-readable API endpoint. This property is not always available. Domain: Any Thing, Resource or Organization
- Range: Uriorcurie
Other properties
Mappings: | schema:SoftwareSourceCode |